13 de abril, 2024
Resumen de la sesión - 9:00-noon EST

LINK TO ZOOM MEETING The new link to the meeting has been sent to all attendees' email. Please, check your inbox and spam folder. contact@edinumenusa.com

Join us for a Saturday morning of best practices and innovative ideas for the Spanish classroom. See for yourselves what others are saying about the way Edinumen USA is changing the Spanish teaching landscape in the US.




Building Proficiency: From Passion to Practice 

Session Description: As elementary Spanish teachers, we are united by our passion for the languages and children we teach.  The balance between meeting standards and engaging our students is a delicate one, and we often find ourselves choosing between an adorable activity that entertains our students but misses the point or using activities that are a poor match for students' ages and interests.  In this interactive session, participants will analyze a variety of resources using the World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and developmental appropriateness to create lessons that engage students and build proficiency. 



400 Million Insights: Using the World-Wide Spoken Corpus to Transform Beginning and Intermediate Spanish Courses (6-12 and Higher Ed) 

There are more than 400 million entries in the world-wide Spanish corpus, which has been collected over the past decade by the various national offices of the Real Academia Espanola. Think of it: over 400 million digitized transcriptions of conversations in all kinds of contexts, from all over the Spanish-speaking world -- and these data can be searched for real-life language usage patterns.

Imagine what we could do with that! But how DO we include these insights and patterns that this vast corpus can give us? Where do we start, and how do we use what we find?


Professional Development Certificates will be provided as well as several raffles for scholarships to the Edinumen USA/Universidad de Salamanca Summer Institute.


Política de privacidad
En cumplimiento: de la legislación vigente que resulte aplicable, de la Ley Orgánica 3/2018 de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales española y en lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del consejo de 27 de abril de 2016 relativo a la protección de las personas físicas, le informamos que mediante el presente da su consentimiento expreso para que sus datos sean tratados por las siguientes entidades organizadoras del evento, cuya Finalidad es la inscripción, comunicación, gestión de los asistentes a eventos y comunicaciones comerciales. La Legitimación se basa en el consentimiento expreso que otorga en la aceptación.

Editorial Edinumen S.L., con dirección en la calle José Celestino Mutis 4 28028 Madrid – España, con email comunicacion2@edinumen.es teléfonos de contacto (+34) 91 308 51 42 y (+34) 91 319 93 09. Información adicional: https://www.edinumen.es/política-de-privacidad

Al inscribirse en el evento usted está aceptando y dando el consentimiento expreso para el tratamiento de sus datos a las entidades que se citan.
Fechas y horarios
sábado, 13 de abril de 2024
LINK TO ZOOM MEETING The new link to the meeting has been sent to all attendees’ email. Please, check your inbox and spam folder. contact@edinumenusa.com
Información general

Professional Development Certificates will be provided as well as several raffles for scholarships to the Edinumen USA/Universidad de Salamanca Summer Institute.